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Pi is a constant used in mathematics whose value is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. Don't use LOG for the natural log! Then the result will be 31.
If you need to, you can adjust the column widths to see all the data. Well, again, you only showed one code line from what must be a larger endeavor, but if you did not variablize Pi and you are referring it in your code as Pi with the intention of Excel interpreting it as Pi, then instead of Pi expand it to WorksheetFunction. If your business needs to perform geometric calculations, such as calculating the area of new office space, you may need to perform operations using pi. Many people approximate pi as 3.
About Us - It will be easy for you to calculate mathematical equations in Microsoft Excel with the use of the PI function.
Special Functions Special Functions Excel has a very large number of special functions that you can use in a cell. We list only a few here. Exponential and Logarithmic Functions Excel has an exponential function and a natural log function. In other words, whatever is in the exponent goes in the parentheses. The natural log is LN, and works the same way. Careful with this one! Excel has another function called LOG which is a different kind of logarithm. Don't use LOG for the natural log! Sums You can add everything in a region by using the SUM command. This uses a range cell reference; see. Hint on entering the range: Excel has a nice shortcut for entering cell ranges. Excel will highlight these cells and fill in the correct range. Then just finish with the closing parenthesis. Square Roots Excel has a square root function SQRT.
Excel has another function called LOG which is a different kind of logarithm. All contents Copyright 1998-2018 by MrExcel Publishing. This function is useful if you want to solve mathematical equations which involve Pi in your spreadsheet. I guess that is why they pay you the big money. Pi where you have it in your code. I would never have thought to use the ArcTangent but it makes sense. The PI function returns the value of the mathematical constant Pi.