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They have a graveyard because Sabrina's aunts have a funeral business in their own home. By visiting this Website. Advertisers We use third-party advertising companies to serve ads when you visit our Web site. She may be paralyzed.

All you need to know is: Tubman was the original master of parkour. Also, did slaves really sell for EIGHT dollars? This is when Noah sad moonwalks away.

Screen Rant – Privacy Policy - Plus, anytime someone onscreen gets really hurt and tries to maintain their cool, it kills me. Turns out he was only in horribly racist old Hollywood movies.

Maybe not, but we did our best. Wendell will not be found on this list, nor the valets, nor Levi. Apologies if we missed your favorite sketch. Tell us all about it in the comments. In it, the guys search for a missing cat, who they learn has been stolen by members of a local gang. Fans of the show are sure to dig , as well as fans of things that are funny, exciting, and a little bit touching. Keegan and Jordan are no strangers to the cannibalistic undead, and have done several sketches that revolve around zombies. This one though, speaks to their love of zombies and their experiences with extras — especially extras that have never been on a set before. Will Steve get his lunge bump? Or something else entirely? David Guintoli, a regular on the show , plays the lead actor in this fictitious zombie tale. Or someone has done it to you. We all know it. So why is it so much funnier when they do it? The serious looks, the music, the slow-motion shots that capture every ounce of pain and shame as the gag comes to fruition over and over. The interrogating detective Keegan looks for information and is greeted with stories peppered with items in the room. This is another great sketch that comes together because of the remarkable chemistry between these two. Movie parodies are sometimes seen as cheap comedy bits. Jordan does a spectacular job imitating the style of NDGT as he explains to his irritated wife Keegan that there are scientific reasons for all of his annoying misdeeds. Not ready to go to a funeral? Wearing boxer shorts with all the planets plus Pluto on them? How can he talk his way out of it? The ending of this sketch is especially satisfying if you see or hear it uncensored. DUELING HATS: S02E10 Not everyone appreciates the convention of leaving the tags on items like hats, shoes, handbags, or even shirts for as long as possible. In this sketch, Jordan and Keegan play two competitive young men vying to be the one with the newest hat — with the most elaborate retail accoutrements. A hat with multiple tags and stickers is one-upped by a hat being worn while still in a shopping bag with the receipt attached. This allows both men to give subtly annoyed and increasingly desperate performances that resonate far beyond the simple subject matter. But no…what follows is farcical stereotyping at its most hilarious. A fancy-looking fella checks in to a hotel and is welcomed to the traditional continental breakfast. Much of the sketch involves the man misidentifying food, and finding the exotic in the profoundly ordinary. But in Kubrick style, we learn from the desk clerk that the man had… always been there. Of course he has. LATRELL, GAY OFFICE MATE: S03E12 Political correctness is a hot button issue for some. Not a fan of phallic pens, pencils, light pulls, or lollipops? Too bad, you need to stop oppressing gays with your personal tastes and sense of decorum, right? The sketch goes on like this with Latrell meeting every polite request for restraint with an accusation of intolerance. PIRATE SONG: S05E01 Speaking of the PC police, this next sketch has political correctness to thank for its wit and fun combination of styles. Sailing could be dangerous, even deadly. So a few manly tunes belted out throughout the day kept sailors from getting bored, angry, or considering mutiny. These songs were bawdy as heck. Some were about work, while others were about drinking, whoreing, and a lot of stuff more appropriate to than a clean list like this one. Then another character enters and starts singing, then another, then more. One lead tries to gain some order over the proceedings, the other is firmly entrenched in the drama of the scene. Something about jailing people, a daughter or some such, and there are thieves and soldiers or whatever. What matters is the calling out of typical stage shenanigans that make no sense in the real world. Is there anything funnier than a learned comedian? This ep aired shortly after Obama won his second election and filled the nation with joy or dismay—depending on where you come down on all that. This time the pair stray from the usual set up of a composed Obama and an irate Luther. There is celebration afoot. When both men get down Hammer style at the end of the vid, their happiness is quite infectious. This sketch is especially great when we consider that Key and Peele both met the president. Sometimes the first few eps, or even the first season seems pale in comparison to what came after some retooling and focus grouping. From the very first episode, they tapped into what everyone was watching, thinking, and talking about. In this sketch, the guys spoof the omnipresent world of competitive cooking shows. TEXT MESSAGE CONFUSION: S04E03 Keegan and Jordan essentially playing themselves is already fun. We notice that one is messy; one is neat. One is more intense, the other casual — probably because one of them tends toward sobriety and the other is rarely pictured at home without a bong. Why am I just hearing from them now? Wait, what in the hell did they mean by that?!? BTW, this is another sketch better watched with the blue language intact. COM: S01E01 Is it possible to make a memorable and accessible joke about former U. President Thomas Jefferson in under one minute? As it turns out, yes. History has already taught us that Jefferson was down with the swirl. We know that he and Sally Hemmings had many children, who in turn had many more children. Meanwhile, the white ancestry seekers found out their relatives were royalty, philosophers, renowned pilots, even Eric the Red. So why was this one of the most talked about sketches of the premiere episode? Maybe because many Americans would prefer to pretend that certain parts of our history never happened. AUCTION BLOCK: S01E03 Another sketch that takes a serious racial issue and makes it comical. We can all agree that slavery is no laughing matter. In the end, the handling of race issues is deft; and we somehow find the institution a little funnier than we should. Also, did slaves really sell for EIGHT dollars? That seems suspiciously cheap, even for the 1700s. MEEGAN 1: S02E07 While Peele and Key do tackle many issues related to race, plenty of sketches are basically colorblind. The harrowing tale of Meegan and Andre shows us a white couple, drunk and stumbling out of a bar. When this sketch first aired, most of the commentary centered around how awesome Jordan looks as a chick. Meegan is annoying, yet somehow familiar. Despite dying at the end of the sketch, we see plenty more of Meegan and Andre in later sketches. OTHELLO: S03E08 Depending on your viewing audience, liberal arts humor may or may not land. Not everyone has read all of Shakespeare, for example. To get maximum enjoyment from this sketch, you need to know that Othello the character starts off on top of the world, but ends up much more dead than we see coming. A surprise guest appearance by James Callis Gaius Baltar from as Willy Shakes was utterly amazing. They doth not purchase it. SCHOOL BULLY: S02E07 Bullies are another annoyance that everyone has to deal with at some point in life. Bullies are a drag. When we teach kids how to deal with them, we often use techniques that work better in theory than they do in the real world. Well, not until this sketch. He uses homosexual slurs to disguise his own feelings for his male peers, and knows that his father is a drunken abusive jag. By the end of the sketch, we do see where the bully gets it from. Beat on his kid, then drown his guilt in a river of alcohol. AEROBICS MELTDOWN S04E09 This 80s-style sketch has exactly the sort of terrible costuming and low-res camera work that puts viewers in another place and time. Aerobics shows were huge in the 80s, even for dudes. Keegan and Jordan are clearly in competition with each other as they jump, stretch, and remember to breathe their way through a spry aerobics routine. But wait — guest star holds up a cue card, and the news is not good. But your wife has been in an accident. She may be paralyzed. Why anyone would take the time to make cue cards saying that the police want to know if you or your wife had any enemies, we do not know. Keep dancing, and all will be revealed. SUBSTITUTE TEACHER: S02E04 One of the most talked-about and imitated sketches in the history of Comedy Central. Garvey has taught for many years in tough, inner city schools. We welcome them and their insane names, some of which are even less insane than real life players. Just ask Hingle McKringleberry or the player formerly known as MouseCop.
One is more intense, the other casual - probably because one of them tends toward sobriety and the other is rarely pictured at home without a bong. In the end, the handling of race issues is deft; and we somehow find the institution a little funnier than we should. While there, I was able to learn so much about comedy, committing to characters as an actor, and how much funnier those guys are than me. There are a couple things I was not a fan of with this series. Sailing could be dangerous, even deadly. For further information regarding cookies and how to manage them, please see. The following discloses the information gathering and dissemination practices for this Web site.